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Summer Camp 2023

June 5 - July 28


Four hours of surf fun for beginner, intermediate or advanced students of ages

6+ and teenagers. Students will be divided into small groups (3-4 participants) in compliance with safety protocols. 


Monday - Friday

8:00am -12:00pm


You can choose to reserve the week or the month (4 consecutive weeks)

BOOK 1 MONTH for $1,400

The camp includes all the necessary equipment to learn to surf. The camp activities always start with a good stretch where we include some yoga and meditation, then we do arm movements in the water as well as training out of the water to develop strength and balance on the surfboard.

 Participants must bring:

  • Bottle of water to fill from a 5gl water cooler.

  • Snacks (snack at 10:30 am)

  • Sunblock/screen and lycra to protect from the sun.

  • Towel



Surfing is not only great for the physical health of your child or teen, but it also works well for their mental health. Surfing can teach your child valuable skills that are essential for his or her growth and well-being. Here are some of the reasons why learning to surf is perfect for kids:



& Coordination


Improves sleep


Connection with nature


Full body



Interaction and communication


Water safety



Encourages better eating habits


Relieves anxiety

and stress


Confidence buider

Remember to bring your water bottle, snacks, face mask and Sunscreen!

Due to COVID-19 restrictions our courses have changed. We are limited to a certain amount of people. By protocol, we're unable to gather in large groups as well, so we ask you to please drop off participants and return for pickup when the class is done.

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